This year it is different.
I thought about writing one of those "Year In Review" posts.
Well, I only thought about that for about 3 seconds. Don't really want to go there.
However, as much as I don't feel the necessity to go back over all the details of the last year, I can't really say that I want to forget them either. In some ways, this has been the most important, most pivotal year of my life. I have definitely been changed, and not just physically. When I look ahead to the new year I want to put those changes into practice and learn from them.
I have never been big on resolutions.
Why make promises you can't or won't keep?
This time though my resolutions are of quite a different nature and the urge to keep them is strong.
I want to do the following things this next year:
- I want to be appreciative. I want to show my appreciation to God and to people around me for the blessings in my life. Just today I looked up at the gray, cloud speckled sky with a bit of sun peeking through and I thanked God for such a beautiful sight. I thanked Him for the cold shot of fresh air hitting my face and the way the sun seemed to sneak in with that air as I breathed. I never want to lose this new appreciation for even the simple things.
- I want to be positive. I know that with the type of cancer I had that there is a chance of recurrence, but I do not want to live my life with a cloud of cancer hanging over my head. I would rather live my life covered with a cloud full of all the blessings that God gave me over the past year. A cloud so full that it could burst open any minute and rain those blessings over me any time I even start to think negative.
- I want to be a blessing. Lets face it. I have been blessed this past year in every way you can imagine and it is about time that I start spreading those blessings around. I need to do this because without returning the favors they stop with me.
- I want to grow. There is a reason God chose to extend my life and to keep living without growing seems pointless. I want to learn more about God and develop an even closer relationship with Him.
I guess that is what I am aiming for personally in this next year. Physically, I really don't want a repeat (a "do over" might be nice, but not a repeat) of next year, but come what may, I know that my God can handle it.
Have a Blessed New Year. Take stock of what your life really is. Change what you can for the better , and allow God to manage the rest.