Most of you remember how much my husband loves his cereal. Well, I have received great news!
Did you know that ready-to-eat cereal eaters consume less fat, less cholesterol and more fiber than non-cereal eaters? Cereals also deliver important vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients, making cereal a top source of key nutrients in children´s diets.
Other cereal benefits:
Other cereal benefits:
- Ready-to-eat cereals, including presweetened cereals, account for only 5% of sugar in children´s diets.
- Ready-to-eat cereal is the No. 1 source of whole grains in a child´s diet today.
- More frequent cereal eaters tend to have healthier body weights and lower Body Mass Index measures.
Now, why am I posting all of this cereal information? This information has been provided to me by General MIlls through MyBlogSpark and they have graciously offered my family coupons to try these cereals for ourselves! I received 4 VIP coupons to try our favorites for free! I am excited!