is for Lavish
I love that word. I love it that God lavished his goodness on us. I especially love how John put it:
“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” I John 3:1
I only ever used that word to describe mundane things, like putting on suntan lotion, but when I think if its full meaning, I am honestly in awe. The dictionaries describe it as being extravagant or extremely generous. I am not “extremely generous” with many things. I tend to hold back. I reserve some for me, carefully calculating just how much of anything I can give. I then count the cost of what I am giving and act accordingly.
But God did not hold back. I know He counted the cost, but He gave anyway.
I love this word so much that I almost want to reserve it just for describing what God did and how much He loves us. Nothing I do can compare.
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