Something to hold on to...

"Today I am one day nearer home than ever before. One day nearer the dawning when the fog will lift, mysteries clear, and all question marks straighten up into exclamation points!
 I shall see the King!"     Vance Havner

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

D is for Dating

is for Dating

Ahhh, dating. The whole process of dating is wrong if you ask me. Seems a bit like going shopping and trying on shoes. I wish there would just be one person for everybody and you only date to get to know them better before you marry them.

But, since dating has actually served me well, it deserves a day of its own.

I did not date much in high school. I think that in all 4 years I dated about 4 people. One was long term and the others were brief. Can I just say right now that I thank God every time I think about it that I did not marry one of those boys?!

When I went off to Bible College I was still quite young. I did not turn 18 until October of my freshman year. That year I had only one date, which was quite strange if you ask me. He was a good bit older than I, and when I asked him just how old he was, he refused to tell me. Sort of scared me just a bit.

Then I met Steve.

We were both attending Bible College. He had attended Jr. College before, so he was older than me, but came later. We had mutual friends, I being a cheerleader, and he being good friends with some of the ball players.

He was so funny. Those of you who know him now would not believe that he was so outgoing in many ways back then. He could make you laugh in a matter of minutes, whether it was impersonating Forest Brooks, running up the gym wall, or just laughing. When I was first approached by our friend with the idea of dating Steve, I first commented on how he was always funny. I was assured that he could be serious as well.

Our first date was the campus Winter Banquet. This was the one and only true dress-up event of the year. I wore a dark blue dress, he a dashing blue and gold plaid sport coat. We both wore yellow roses.

Funny thing though about buying shoes, you absolutely know when you find the right ones. Same here. Seems I knew very soon that this would be my future husband. We continued to date for just over 2 years before we married.

Although, I like to think that we are dating still.

Love you honey.

Monday, May 30, 2011

C is for Christ

is for Christ

I know that some of you expected me to say coupons.

I agree, coupons are a big part of my life lately, collecting, organizing, clipping, using, and teaching. However, and I stress this, I refuse to let them become my life.

My life, and all that it is about is found in Christ.

I was raised in a small church, which was mostly comprised of my family. I actually thought it was my Grandma's church and that she was in charge. In all due respect, I think she thought that at times as well. That church was not the best fit for me, and as I grew a bit older, I avoided it. When I was in high school my best friend started inviting me to her church and I liked it. I kept coming back, and finally, when I was a junior, I was baptized. Now, I already was a believer, but just had held off making a full commitment to Christ until then.

I can't imagine what my life would be like otherwise. Becoming a Christian has placed my life on a certain track: going to Bible College, meeting my husband, living where I do. Even the children I have was determined by that one choice.

I love my life. I love the fact that my husband and I have always had Christ in the center of everything, that our commitment to each other and the value we place on our marriage is all wrapped up in our faith.

Those of you who know me well know that there have been dark days in my life. As I have said before, I do not know how anyone faces trials without a firm foundation in the Lord.

If these 26 posts are intended to reveal more about me, then in all reality, I would be proud to stop now, because above all else, this is what I want my legacy to be.

C is definitely for Christ.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

B is for Boys

is for boys...

My mother had 7 of them. Seven boys before having even one girl. My sister and I grew up in a house full of brothers. I remember in grade school people would ask if I could name all my brothers. I thought, "What a stupid question."

Of course, when they asked that I had to rattle all of our names off, in rapid fire succession, without even a breath in between.

I was always so proud of the fact that there were nine children in my family.

But, back to my point...SEVEN BOYS. I do not know how she did it.

God blessed me with two boys.
Yes, when I was younger I wanted a girl. I had such a good relationship with my mother, and I wanted to carry that on with a daughter. We did have a girl's name ready, Katie Renee. Our first son was born, then our second, and I can honestly say that holding son number 2 in my arms erased any desire for a daughter. I was wholly and completely happy. I still am. I have a great relationship with each of our sons, and while there are no daughters-in-law as of yet, I am praying for them already.

Oh, and we did use the name Katie Renee...she is our beautiful 7 year old black lab.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A is for Anita

Welcome to my new adventure in blogging. I have requested permission from a blogger friend to use her idea of blogging through the alphabet. Perhaps this will get me out of my writing block.

I have decided to make these posts personal, so if you choose to join me for these next 26 days you will learn a lot about me.

Here goes, and how appropriate that my name starts with the letter A.

A is for Anita

I was supposed to be Joanne. Just Joanne. No middle name. I was to be named after my Uncle Joe, because I was born on his birthday. Somehow, in the discussions on that day, my grandma decided that I needed more of a name. From what I have been told, she came up with the name Anita. So, there you go, Anita Joanne.

I always wondered how my Uncle Joe felt about that, because his name pretty much got lost in there.

Growing up I wanted to change my name. There was a Bonita in my grade school classes and I felt our names were too similar. I liked the name Joanne, although I wanted to split it up, and I never understood why that had an e on the end. Later I wanted to be Annie, because I thought that sounded classy.

My mother-in-law calls me Nita, she always has and I let her. No one else really does.

My oldest brother used to call me Anita Mosquito. He is the only sibling that ever gave me a nick name. I miss hearing him call me that.

Funny thing about writing about my name is that something strange and wonderful happened a few weeks ago. I was sitting at my desk at school and all of a sudden, I turned my head because I heard my name. Only, I couldn't have really, because the person that I heard saying my name was my mother. My mother has been gone for over 30 years, but for some reason, she must have been strong on my mind. I heard her voice as clear as ever sweetly call my name. Just once, no other words, just my first name. "Anita". I turned to a co-worker and told her that Heaven had just opened up for me, and explained what happened. Now, I know it wasn't really her, but for whatever reason it happened, it made me smile.

It is odd, that no matter what our name is, the real meaning we place on it is because of who calls it, and how it is spoken. A name is never sweeter that when spoken by someone who truly loves you.

A is for Anita, and I have come to love it.

Remember me?

I have been suffering from writer's block for a very long time. I have actually written two posts that have not made it to my blog for various reasons. I am hoping to start soon on a new path, so keep checking on me.

Things have been very busy around here with family issues, and needs. Youngest has just graduated college and that was exciting for us. he is a gifted artist and will surely make his mark in the world.

My coupon classes are picking up, I have 2 booked in June and am very excited about that. I love sharing this ability.

I promise there is more to come, so stay tuned...