Something to hold on to...

"Today I am one day nearer home than ever before. One day nearer the dawning when the fog will lift, mysteries clear, and all question marks straighten up into exclamation points!
 I shall see the King!"     Vance Havner

Monday, February 19, 2007

Sunday, February 19, 1984

The day began with a phone call. At 1:00 in the morning our friend called. He was taking his wife to the hospital because she was having labor pains. I had told them to call me no matter what time it was. I did not tell him that I was possibly in labor as well. It was too early to know for sure, and I had not told husband yet. I returned to bed to inform husband of the news. All of it. As time progressed we were convinced that we would be making the same trip. By 7:30 we were entering the labor and delivery department of the local hospital. As I was being wheeled into a labor room, my friend was being wheeled out of the labor department and into a delivery room. Shortly after, we heard the news of their new healthy baby boy. What an encouragement as I prepared for the day’s events. This labor proved to be hard, with much intense back labor. Then, at 4:05 pm our firstborn arrived. He was perfect.

So, Happy BIRTH-day to me. What an amazing day it was. I do not want more children at this point, but I would live that day over in a heartbeat. To experience that joy again on this earth would be wonderful. That one day defined euphoria.

Our world changed that day, and for the better. The last 23 years have been a wonderful ride. Our son has grown into an incredible young man. The world is out there just waiting on him to finish school and soak it all in. God has plans for him, which he cannot imagine and we are so anxious to watch these plans unfold.

So, Happy Birthday to you oldest son, enjoy this day and think of the incredible adventures this year will bring. What a year it will be!


FarmWife said...

Very Happy Birthday to J.S.

Inkling said...

Happy BIRTH-day to you, and Happy Birthday to your eldest. 23. Wow. I was just telling my hubby yesterday about the diarrhea explosion in the walker and the crib, which seems like it happened far less than 22+ years ago. From the cutest, roly poly baby to a handsome, smart, and fun man. Happy birthday, J.S. And no, I promise not to tell any stories today....