Something to hold on to...

"Today I am one day nearer home than ever before. One day nearer the dawning when the fog will lift, mysteries clear, and all question marks straighten up into exclamation points!
 I shall see the King!"     Vance Havner

Friday, June 29, 2007

One month down...

Oldest son left for Amsterdam exactly one month ago today. He has already learned much, met many people, and has left his comfort zone behind. I must say that I am so very happy for him and the things he has done so far. For those that know his timid nature, he has really stepped up and has taken on various duties much unlike him. He has taught a small group Bible study, has worked the reception desk, and is meeting and hanging out with many new friends. When I think of how rich his life will be after this experience it makes my heart truly happy.

On the other hand, I really am missing him. I am blessed to have very close relationships with both of my boys. They are becoming amazing young gentlemen that I enjoy spending time with. This communication age that we are in has really helped, in that it has always been so easy to email, phone, or instant message them. Oldest and I seem to catch each other online about every other day. There is a seven-hour time difference from here to Amsterdam, so that makes conversations interesting. I usually start by saying “good morning”, then I realize it is not morning for him.

He has not taken many digital photos as of yet. I was hoping to post a few pictures every now and then to show you all some amazing sites of the Netherlands. He did take a bike ride to the beach about a week ago and shot this picture on his way. Can’t really prove it is from Amsterdam though. He has a thing for miniature horses; they make him laugh, so it was natural for him to take this picture. I will post some other pictures when they come my way.

Technically he has 5 more months to go, but is already thinking he might try to stay longer. I say, go for it. He is living one of his dreams right now, and there are not many of us who truly get to accomplish that.

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