Something to hold on to...

"Today I am one day nearer home than ever before. One day nearer the dawning when the fog will lift, mysteries clear, and all question marks straighten up into exclamation points!
 I shall see the King!"     Vance Havner

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Busy Weekend

It has been a busy few days. As I said, youngest and one of his roommates were here this weekend. Sometimes I think of how nice it would be to be in his shoes food, free laundry, free haircut, dinner out, a fresh baked pie...Oh, wait a minute, I pretty much have been in those shoes lately as much as I have been cared for!

Now I will explain a bit. He did most of his own laundry, I did help fold a little, he cooked some of that food himself, I did very little cooking this weekend, and I had help baking that pie. One of "my girls" came over and asked what she could do, I mentioned how I really had wanted to spoil youngest with a homemade pumpkin pie, and she said she would help. I made the crust and she put together the filing. It turned out wonderful.

I also had a friend (her mom by the way) who called on Saturday and asked if she could come and help me clean house. It was an offer I could not refuse. It seems that since I moved from the heart attack to cancer so quickly, that some things have just been ignored completely, or just about. My bedroom was a mess. You know, kitchens and bathrooms are always a priority over the bedroom and when company is here, I can shut the bedroom door. Let's just say it really needed attention. She helped me to clean it properly. I did what I could and she did the rest. I hope she does not clean and tell though because if truth were to be told, it was much worse than I will describe.

Today after church, and after a nap, we left town to go purchase a treadmill. I have not been able to return to cardiac rehab, and I need to remember that I did actually have a heart attack. My heart needs a workout and I do not like to walk outside alone. I have been looking at treadmills for a while and studying them online. I finally found the one I wanted and we tested it out last week. Today a special sale was posted so we went to get it. Assembly was easy and after about 30 minutes or so, I was walking. I have to practically start over, because everything I built up to at cardiac rehab is gone. I went slow and easy tonight, and even worked in a few neck exercises while I was walking. Pretty coordinated I must say.

Tomorrow I hope to go to the grocery for the first time by myself in over a month and do just a couple of household things. I do not want to overdo it though. Thanks to Mr. Columbus I have the day off.

1 comment:

Penny said...

sounds like you are moving along quite well. thanks for the playlist you have, sometimes I just leave it on while I am working..great songs! Hope you have a nice day off and enjoy the weather. I understand about having the boys home, my oldest is getting ready to move over here and I am so excited to have them both close again! take care, tell everyone hi from me