Something to hold on to...

"Today I am one day nearer home than ever before. One day nearer the dawning when the fog will lift, mysteries clear, and all question marks straighten up into exclamation points!
 I shall see the King!"     Vance Havner

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I cooked! (and other random thoughts)

I can count one one hand the times I have cooked in the last month. Between delicious home delivered meals, left overs from those delicious meals, take out, and few nights out, I have just not had to cook. Tonight I made chili. It tasted delicious. I must have been craving it. It is a pretty easy meal, a bit of prep in the beginning, then it basically hangs out in the pot and gets better and better. I made a big pot too, so there will be leftovers, and possibly some for the freezer. It felt good to cook something. I will get oldest son to help clean the kitchen though.

When the mail arrived I was greeted to a wonderful surprise. A beautiful necklace with an equally beautiful note to remind me that my scar is a reminder from God of how He worked in my life and that this scar can be considered as a necklace from God given to a child He loves. I am so blessed.

I am pretty tired tonight. I battled a headache most of the day, and it got pretty bad at times. There are just a few drugs I can take right now with surgery coming up, so I pretty much had to deal with it. The thing that has helped dull it was a walk on my treadmill. That must have gotten the blood flowing.

I do think I will make it an early night though. I do not want that headache to hang around tomorrow.

1 comment:

Penny said...

I know what you mean about being sick and not active for awhile and then getting back into things. I have had a cold for over a week and finally, today, I have felt better. so this evening I did some work in my flower garden and put out my pumpkins and Halloween decorations. it felt so good to do something!! What a cool thing that someone sent you a are so blessed with lots of people who love you and care about you...embrace that!! hope things go well this week...
take care and God Bless