Wednesday, December 29, 2010
We needed toilet paper...
For over two years we have never run out of toilet paper, nor have I paid full price. Today I opened the last package. To my delight (delight over toilet paper--I need to get a life) I was able to get all of this TP plus everything else for a total of $35.18. There are some picey items in this picture. Before sales and coupons and store perks it would have been $267.24, and at least $124.00 after the store sales. We are set for cold medicine, TP, and Chex Mix, plus I have six new make up items and three new perfume sets to keep me beautiful and sweet smelling! I could have paid $20.00 for the TP alone, but it was well worth it to only spend $15.00 more on all the rest. Buying the cold medicine helped me make money and turn around and buy the TP for free. Free is good.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas 2010
Today I have tried to take a cue from Mary (yes, THAT Mary) and have taken some time to ponder these things in my heart. ( I love that portion of scripture by the way, it is found in Luke, chapter 2) This was a different year for me. Perhaps it is age, or wisdom, or just contentment, but I had a very hard time putting things that I wanted on a list to give to my husband and sons. There were no big gifts that I wanted, and really, the small things were not huge desires. I love the simple gifts that I received, but I would not rate this Christmas at all by the gifts I gave or received.
Family is always important to me, and yes this year was pivotal in the family category. This was the first Christmas that my husband's side did not have a "home" to go home to. His mom and dad are settled in their new independent living apartment, and while they are doing well, it is not the home where everyone was used to having Christmas Dinner . For that reason, we decided to host the dinner for husband's parents, siblings, spouses, our own boys, and one nephew and his wife. There were 12 of us, and actually that is a crowd in our house. We pulled out the Christmas dishes that Mom had owned, used her glassware, her silverware, tablecloth, and numerous other items to put on a feast, that hopefully followed some of the family traditions.
It was wonderful.
Yes, I worked hard, partly due to the fact that everyone was traveling and it would be difficult for them to prepare much, but mostly because I wanted to. Now, the fact that we were able to share Christmas with them was indeed wonderful, and the dinner was adequate, I still cannot say that those reasons made it a "good" Christmas. For each family member I got to see, there are many more that I missed seeing. So that cannot be the reason.
It is so much more.
For me, it has to come down to my faith. Christmas IS what it is all about. I know that without this moment in history that HIS story would not be revealed. I know that the beginning of Christmas as we in America know it has pagan roots, that the true event probably did not occur on December the 25th, yet those facts do not change the real story of what happened over 2000 years ago. This year I have been blessed to have the real meaning sink in all over again. The God of the Universe came down as the greatest gift of all. It was a "good" Christmas, personally, because I feel I "get" it.
Truth be told, it really has nothing to do with gifts, dinners, or even your family. It is all about HIM, and I have to say that is very good.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Returning the Favor
I am so thankful that my sister and I are so close. We lost our mom over 30 years ago, so we need to lean on each other from time to time.
Send a prayer her way for a speedy recovery!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Christmas is Coming
Second, I purchased a red slip cover for my couch and a bunch of new pillows. I have wanted a red couch for ages, but I am just not ready to spend the money, so I opted for a slip cover and it makes me happy, especially with Christmas decorations.
My decorations are much more simple this year, just enough to make me happy and not stressed.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
I Love my Life
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Let the baking begin!
I am ready to bake! This is the haul I picked up at Walgreens today! Before coupons it would have cost $72.25. I spent a total of $14.20. I did a deal much like this last year at Walgreens and I was excited to see the deal pretty much repeated. I did have $20.00 in Register Rewards left over from making money last week on the Sinex deals so that helped quite a bit.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Golden Cream Soup (Cheesy Potato Soup)
Golden Cream Soup
2 cans chicken broth
3-4 peeled and diced potatoes
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/4 cup chopped onion
2 TBS butter
2-3 peeled and sliced carrots
2 TBS flour
2 cups of milk
1/2 lb cubed Velveeta cheese
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 TBS Parsley flakes
1 tsp salt
dash pepper
Saute the onion and celery in butter until just translucent. Add chicken broth, seasonings, and carrots and simmer until carrots are almost tender. Add potatoes and cook until they are tender. Mix flour with milk and add to pot. Cook until thickened then remove from heat and stir in cheeses until melted. Once cheese has been added , do not boil or cheese will separate.
Yield about 4 servings.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Winner Winner Yummy Dinner
Congratulations to 3 Boys and a Girl! You are the winner of my date night prize package!
I will email you for the details on how you will receive your prize!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Sunday Savings!
I have not had a marathon shopping event for quite some time. This felt good. $22.66 for everything pictured and I got back a $10.00 Register Reward at Walgreens. The canned vegetables are normally .80 cents a can at Dollar General, but were on sale for .45 each. Lucky me that I had a bunch of coupons for a dollar off of three cans, making them .12 cents a can. I have not bought canned vegetables since the Del Monte deal at Target one year ago. (They were 20 cents a can, so I beat that deal!)
Remember, I can afford to spend $22.00 on these items without buying meat, etc., because of my stockpile.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Soup's on!
Tonight I made a big pot of cheesy potato soup. Actually my potato soup is so much more. It has onions, celery, carrots, and potatoes, all simmered in a rich chicken broth, and then loaded with yummy cheese. It smelled so good as it simmered away in the kitchen. I lit a few candles, then turned on the furnace for the first time. Such a cozy evening. I was even lucky enough to get to see our oldest son briefly tonight, as he and his friends are on their way to Florida for a few days. Our house was the meeting place for some of them along the way.
Tonight the temps here will drop below freezing. Tomorrow the warm coat will come out along with gloves for sure. Unfortunately, at some point tomorrow I will probably complain about the cold, but I really do love it right now.
Recently I decided to get a perm in my somewhat long poker straight gray/white/brown hair. (No, it is not striped) The hair is still brown is underneath for some reason, and the rest is a mixture of pure white and gray. You have seen my pictures.
Well, my poker straight hair seems to have a mind of its own. The first perm was less than 2 weeks ago, and last night I underwent the procedure again. I have an amazing hairdresser who wants to see me happy, so she worked late to help insure that I like my locks.
I had not had a perm for about 17 years, and my hair color has changed drastically in those years. This was uncharted territory for me, and for my hairdresser, who had no idea how it would take.
Well...the thing is, I must have pretty resistant hair because, it still is not curly in some places, and very curly in others. The brown underneath hair curled like it was 1993 and had tight ringlets, other areas have a wave.
I will post new pictures soon, but now I need to go and perfect my style for the day. Wish me luck.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Contest is now closed / Winner has been notified!
Sometimes my husband and I want something different to eat, but really want a quiet evening at home. These meals are perfect for a "Stay in and go all out night". A yummy dinner plus a movie are what we are all about.
I was fortunate to receive these two meals courtesy of Macaroni Grill and Wanchai Ferry through MyBlogSpark. I was also given a gift card to use for anything else I needed to make the dinner or date night special.
Good news! I am able to give away the same gift to one of my readers. One of you will receive both the Macaroni Grill kit, and the Wanchai Ferry kit, along with a $25.00 pre-paid VISA gift card. Create your own date night at home and enjoy a delicious dinner with little work.
Here is how to enter: Tell me where you and your spouse went for your first date. Our first date was a college winter banquet. The picture is at the bottom of my blog. We looked pretty good together for a first date, huh? I wish he had kept that jacket though, because I am sure it will come back in style...
Post a comment to this post telling me about you and your spouse's first date. On Monday, Nov. 1st I will select one winner through Be sure to include your email address so I can contact you.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Here's to Birthdays
I do want to talk tonight about my birthday. On Friday I turned 54. For some odd reason that sounds so much older than 53. I think it is because I couldn't wait to turn 53. Some of you know of that shadow that was hanging over me for my entire 52nd year. My oldest brother passed away at that age, and I just wanted to prove that 52 was much too young for that. I could not let that happen to me, especially after my health problems the previous year. So I longed to be 53. It was a celebration in and of itself.
So now, even if 54 sounds "much" older, I was pretty happy to be having another birthday. In the weeks preceding this day, I would see the short spots on TV from the American Cancer Society where a guy with a guitar is singing a slow rendition of the Happy Birthday song. Its intention was to celebrate birthdays in general for cancer survivors. I decided a few weeks ago that he was singing to me personally and thought it was quite thoughtful of them. Okay, so maybe he was not really, but it is one of those commercials that take on a very special meaning to those that relate to it.
It is a sweet celebration really, just to be having another birthday. I just cannot take them for granted any more. I know we all complain sometime about getting older, and I know that everyday I have a new ailment, but I should not complain about anything really.
What a blessed woman I am. I celebrated on Friday with my family, showered with gifts, enjoying a dinner out and feeling so very loved.
Here's to birthdays.
Friday, October 15, 2010
My name is Anita, and I am a terrible blogger
I will be back. For those of you that know me, I will probably post something on Facebook when I return full force.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Much ado about everything!
Saturday I dove into things around here and re-claimed my house! I tackled youngest's room first and brought it up to my standards. Then I went through room by room putting things away and finding places for more of the things we brought home from husband's folk's house. Problem is, we are still bringing things home and trying to find room for them. I am almost paranoid about finding places right away, lest my home looks like one featured on a popular TV show about people with extreme clutter.
Saturday evening I was struck by some strange bug that threw my tummy for a loop which altered our plans a bit. It finally settled down around midnight.
Today was a full day, beginning with church. We then went to the folk's for Sunday brunch at the apartment complex. After that we went to their old house to do more cleanup and to bring a car load of things home. (most of those have already found their place) I also put 12 quarts of diced tomatoes up for the freezer. We were honored today to attend a 100th birthday party of the oldest and longest member of our church. What a great celebration!
Our oldest son popped in later this afternoon for a brief visit on his way through town, so he, husband and I and our friend all went out to get a bite to eat. It was a short visit, but it was good to spend a little time with him.
I think I am ready for school tomorrow, to greet and meet our new class, and to get the year underway.
After this weekend, I might even relax a bit at school!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
So Long Summer
It was a busy summer, I did not check a lot off of my own list, but I was able to help a lot with the important job of moving the in-laws. I am grateful to have been able to help as I did. My own stuff will get done in time. Things will actually slow down now that the folks are moved, school is starting and youngest will be moving back to his school.
Funny, I will go back to school to relax!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
OY Vey
My house needs attention, but may not get all the attention it deserves until Saturday. I can live with that.
So, since my time is precious right now, I will keep this short and sweet, and request prayers from all of my friends that an apartment opens up. Soon.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Welcome Coupon Class!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
And life goes on...
Remember the Bee Gees song, "How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?"
Right now I am thinking that if you replace the word heart with the word home, that is what this family is feeling. The family homestead is breaking. Not by the means by which one might think, but just breaking up, piece by piece. Husband's folks are moving to an assisted living apartment, and this week the task falls on the children to divide, distribute, and pack a lifetime of possessions. The task is physically exhausting, and emotionally devastating. How do you go about doing that right in front of parent's eyes and remain undisturbed? The memories attached to even the simplest object are real and precious.
I emphasize, these are not my birth parents. I lost mine to illnesses long ago. We split up their possessions as well, just not in front of their eyes. These are my parents now. They have been in my life longer than my own were, so I feel that I am not just a daughter-in-law, but I am an adopted daughter.
I have for the most part remained focused, and set to the task of just "doing this". I am a "Daughter-in-Law" I could do this, I could be unemotional and be the one to take care of business. The "real" family will be sad, but I would be fine. Who was I kidding? This morning, I am crying like a baby, and grieving over the smallest object. Each day I feel like I am toting part of their life home with me in the back of my car. Granted, if you inspected the contents a lot of these items are of little material worth. Paper plate holders, a blender (void of all the current bells and whistles), a wicker basket, on old wooden stool. Thing is, these are THEIR paper plate holders, their blender, their basket, their stool. Today I want so much to take it all back, put it back where it goes and forget the plan.
I know the reasons are valid for them to move. I even encouraged it. I just had no idea this would hit ME like this. I did not grow up in this family. Many of their memories are just interesting stories to me. I cannot hang my heart on most of these items. However, I LOVE these people. They became a real part of my family when I lost my own parents. Their memories are precious to me, even if I do not share all of them.
We will plow through, even today, with sorting and packing. We will pick up an object, and pause to learn the story behind. If there is no story, we might even resort to comic relief and make one up. Like the little mottled yellow pitcher that belonged to Aunt Irma. Thing is, there is no Aunt Irma.
Too bad really, if there was, I would let her do this task.
I am certain though, that throughout this day, I will look at every object in a very special way. And there will be tears.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Random Thoughts in bullett form
- Our dog hates fireworks. She also hates thunderstorms and getting her feet in wet grass. Yeah, we have spoiled her I guess.
- CIY is an amazing teen convention. Pretend you are a teenager and go some year, we did.
- My desktop computer may be fried. Well, probably the hard drive is shot. We could lose a lot of pictures. Back up your photo libraries . Today.
- My tomato plants are humongous. We bought new stakes today because the old ones are not keeping them up. I picked the first tomato tonight. I cheated, it is not fully ripe. Couldn't wait.
- I really really want to teach my coupon class again. Anyone want a class? I have it on PowerPoint and am ready to go. ( Glad I had that on a flash drive, it would be a lot of work to do all over again!)
- I am slowing down on my shopping trips. There are lots of bargains out there, but my stockpile is so full that I can pass them up. That is the benefit of a good stockpile.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
A time for work...
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Crazy Love
$6.22 out of pocket
I hit up Walgreens again. Husband will say I robed them. When people call he tells them I am out robbing Walgreens. He is so funny.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Summertime and the Shoppin' is Easy
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Winner Winner Pasta Dinner!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Give-Away # 3 / CLOSED NOW

I am lovin' give-a-ways.
- What ingredient would you toss into a box of Suddenly Salad ? Specifically, tell me which variety you would pick and how you would change it up.
- Your email address or link to your blog so that I can contact you.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Mail Call
Today was a very good day at the mailbox!
- Kraft First Taste free product coupons. I LOVE Kraft! There are coupons for 6 free items! (Kool-Aid Fizz Drink Drops, Homestyle Deluxe Macaroni and Cheese, Digiorno Deep Dish Pizza, 100 Calorie Packs Cheese Bites, Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Shaved Meat, and Ritz Crackerfuls) If you are not a member then you should go to here and sign up. I have gotten lots of free product coupons from Kraft this way.
- A full size eye shadow quad from Loreal. I signed up a while back for Loreal product testing and I did a survey on mascara. This was my gift for doing the survey.
- A sample of Secret Clinical Deodorant from WalMart (great source for samples)
- Samples of Dove shampoo and conditioner, also from WalMart
- 2 free samples of Purex 3-in-1 laundry sheets. ( I LOVE these)
- Home Made Simple coupon book (great coupons)
Friday, May 28, 2010
Brave or Stupid ? You Decide.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
This is a very nice computer, plenty of space in the hard drive, and one of the parts we bought is a new battery. I upgraded to a higher cell battery and have tons of battery life. It also has a memory card reader, which just happens to accept my strange memory card, and all is great in the computing world!
This will aid me in my future coupon class, and should make it very easy to show my presentation.
Youngest has a knack for finding deals on electronics, I feel I have raised him well in the art of bargain hunting. You better get your requests in soon though, because my sister has already made hers and they are lining up.
Thank you baby boy for thinking of your momma!
Oldest....I want a pony!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
What a week
The worst part about my entire day was my time at the local ER. Now, it was not due to treatment, but yet due to something else entirely unrelated to me. While I was in my bed with the curtains drawn, a patient was brought in that had in fact, "coded" on her way by ambulance. The area next to me filled with nurses, doctors, and technicians, all doing everything humanly possible to save her. Even though I could not see anything, I heard every word, every order, and every attempt at CPR. I just laid helpless, while this woman's life slipped away. I could tell that this staff was trying desperately to save her. Their words were all spoken in deep respect, and I could hear a nurse pleading in the sweetest voice possible for this woman to make it. I do not think I can explain exactly how I felt at that time to anyone. I did not know this woman, I did not hear a name, but I felt so much sadness to know that a life was ending as I laid there. I sobbed for quite a while, and soon, my curtain slipped open and the son of a good friend (a paramedic) who was there to transport me to the other hospital came in and stood silently by me. Just having someone present with me right then helped.
I have been at the bedside when death occurred. I was with both of my parents, and my grandma, I have felt that feeling of personal loss. I just did not know that I would be so overwhelmed at the loss of a stranger. I prayed hard for a few moments, and quite honestly, it took me a while to recover. I am still praying. I still don't even know who this woman was, or anything about her or her family. I will watch the newspaper closely for a few days, hoping to match a name to the details of when and where.
I just know that all life is precious. I prayed, hoping that she was a believer, and that she inhaled one last breath on this earth and exhaled in the presence of Jesus. I prayed for her family, and for the sadness they will feel. Please help me and pray for them as well.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
- Still good. The boys are still home, and they have been a huge blessing to me today. I could not have dealt with a broken freezer and transporting all of our coolers filled with food with the way was feeling.
- Freezer was repaired. This was a big debate, but we decided to see what the repair man had to say. He was the one who fixed it in December and he cut us a break. No service fee, and he replaced 2 parts, but only charged us for the cheapest of the two. Our bill was only $48.00. It is working very well tonight, and I will let it run till tomorrow afternoon to fill it. I will just have to check this daily from now on , just to be safe.
- A funny thing happened today when the boys were transporting all of our frozen food to the folks' house. One of them called to report in and I told them I couldn't talk because the freezer guys were here, and I was tied up in the basement...I guess I should be careful about what I say.
- Laundry has been drastically been reduced, and I am seeing an end to all of the piles. This has been an entire family affair, and I am glad to get it done.
- I am still coughing my head off. I just took a dose of my codeine cough syrup, so we will see how that goes. Since I am on steroids and codeine, I sure hope I do not need a drug test.
- We are working on that, husband and boys are doing some chores for me, and before the night is out we should have a decent house again.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- Both of our boys are home this weekend. I do not think that has happened since Christmas. It is good to have them both home, to talk with and to see them interact as brothers. They are very close.
- They presented me with a beautiful and delicate sterling silver chainmaille bracelet. I know that word chainmaille makes you think of anything but delicate, but I assure you this is very pretty. A friend of youngest' in the art department makes them, and the boys bought one for me for Mother's Day. I will post pictures of it later on, but it needs re-sized. The only petite part about me other than my height, is the size of my wrists.
- Youngest also purchased a used laptop from the same girl and gave that to me as well. It only needed a new battery and a power cord. I was able to purchase both of those with my Swagbucks' Amazon gift cards. I only had to pay $13.00 out of pocket. I tell ya, those Swagbucks add up. I have earned over $50.00 in gift cards since Christmas!
- My freezer went out! Arrrgh. This is the second time since December that this has happened. Luckily my boys were home, and luckily my in-laws have plenty of room in theirs, and luckily we got everything transferred before we lost anything. (I am a stockpiler you know) I have spent the morning on the phone and have about decided to just purchase a new one. This is the third time over all that we have had a problem, and this freezer is less than 9 years old! I have located one in town and I feel that we just might go make our purchase tonight. Good thing we have not spent our Christmas money from the folks! Just the process of dealing with this has left me depleted of any possible energy for the day.
- I feel awful. This tail end of whatever is kicking my behind and I woke up seriously dragging. I had another one of those coughing spells and felt I pulled every muscle across my upper chest. On Thursday I returned to the walk-in clinic and an x-ray showed my lungs were clear, but they felt I still had inflammation, and put me on a dose of steroids. As you see from the above bullet, I did not really need the freezer to go out on this day.
- There are more loads of laundry than I care to count. A very busy week last week, and this week, plus my sickened state, have all stacked up our laundry. The boys brought home about 5 loads between them. They are good helpers, and it will get done, but it is a bit overwhelming at the moment.
- My house. Okay, I know, some things we just have to let go. Along with the boys this weekend came a lot of stuff. Youngest will be coming home for the summer next week, and he got a head start on bringing home his most valued possessions. There are just so many storage spaces to immediately put things, and one those are taken, the rest has to sit here and there for a while. I just hate it that "here and there" are in my main living spaces. This too shall pass, but for now the house is cluttered, messy, and truth be told , not as clean as I would like. (remember, busy weeks and puny me)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Good Day / Good Supper / Good Company
This was a very good day.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
I was just thinking...

Lately I have been in my deep thinking mood. Not really wanting this blog to be all about bargains and shopping, but rather more about who I really am. Now, I admit that bargain hunting is in my blood, but is that all I really want to be known for ? I hope not.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Sometimes I get tired of shopping...
Saturday, April 10, 2010
A Whole Lotta Nothing
- Husband and I have been doing a lot of cleaning and de-cluttering
- I have made a daily trek to Kmart to take advantage of double coupons
- I had two out of town medical appointments this week- one just a follow up regarding my thyroid replacement medicine (need a slight adjustment)
- I have a new hobby - making jewelry (just basic stuff so far)
- We are heading to visit youngest son tomorrow
Monday, March 29, 2010
Monday Madness
- Made waffles, bacon, and homemade blackberry syrup (with actual blackberries floating around in it)
- Thoroughly emptied and cleaned the bathroom
- Cleaned out fridge, discovered a lot of apples needing attention = a break long enough to make 2 completely from scratch apple pies (can you smell them?)
- Gathered all throw rugs, all shook and vacuumed
- Vacuumed all carpets thoroughly
- Emptied everything from under kitchen sink (yuck) that was a mess, wiped down and replaced only what is necessary
- Turned oven on to self clean mode
- Stripped the bed
- Started laundry, moved to dryer and started more
- Finally emptied and washed turkey fryer that has been sitting in garage since Christmas (ewww) it is washed and shiny now
- Emptied my crock full of kitchen gadgets that sits by my stove, washed everything and will selectively put things back
- Emptied basket of gadgets that sits on my counter, washed everything and will selectively put things back
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Sunday Shopping Spree
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Super Saturday
Sister and I shopped all over her town today, and I came home with a haul! The above items should have cost $135. 43, but with combining sales with coupons, I spent $36. 65! I was able to get many of the items absolutely FREE! The following were free due to coupons:
- 2 Packages of Irish Spring bar soap
- 4 Snickers bars
- 2 tubs of I Can't Believe it's not Butter
- 8 boxes of Ronzoni Pasta
- 2 Tostitos Dips
- 2 of the packages of Bistro lunchmeat
- 5 packages of Bar S smoked sausage
- We also hit Kohl's (bought a greatly reduced suit and sport-coat for hubby , with an additional 30 % off)
- Wal-mart -had a couple of free item coupons and some other good ones there as well.
- I got free shampoo at CVS
Friday, March 26, 2010
Frugal Friday
- Wore slacks from a local Thrift shop
- Carried a purse from Goodwill
- Wore a jacket that a friend gave me
- Put ripe bananas in my freezer that our school was giving away due to the beginning of our Spring Break
- Used a total of 13 coupons at 3 different stores
- Will watch a rented movie at home instead of going to a theatre
Monday, March 22, 2010
Give-Away # 2
A while back I was contacted by MyBlogSpark and Yoplait about doing another review / give-away. This one was for Yoplus yogurt. Now, if you really really know me, you know that I have never really been a fan of yogurt.
- Antioxidant vitamins A and E (now with 20 % of your recommended daily value)
- A blend of pro-biotic cultures & fiber (three grams of fiber per 4 oz serving) for digestive health
- Calcium and vitamin D for bone health
- Leave a comment stating which flavor you would like to try
- Leave your contact information (unless I have it already)
- Come back and check on Friday (March 26th) when I will announce the winner
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I am tired, but it is a good tired.
Thursday we went shopping. Husband and I bought many items together, and I made a few trips this weekend on my own. On Friday I picked up the two chairs you see in the picture from a teacher in my district. He was getting rid of them, and Jake was the benefactor! On Saturday I started cooking food to take to the apartment. On Saturday evening husband made a trip to my sister's house and picked up shelves, chairs, small tables, and other items that she is loaning to Jake. I stayed home to continue cooking, and to do our own cleaning and laundry.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Time Flies!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I Need Therapy
I wonder if there are any coupon support groups out there? Maybe one for coupon addicts, or one for coupon crazed middle aged women, or most importantly, a group for those who suffer from melt downs when a coupon was not credited? Yikes. I have fallen into the last group and just to let you know how very low I have fallen, let me tell you what happened last night:
Sunday, February 28, 2010
My First Give-Away!

I have never hosted a give-away before so I was very excited when My Blog Spark and Pillsbury contacted me with an offer for myself and one lucky reader. I was given a "Sweet Sunday Mornings Moments" gift pack which included a VIP coupon for free Pillsbury Sweet Rolls and a photo album to hold cherished memories of my family. Now, I get to offer the same to one reader!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Sunday Shopping / New Store
The local CVS decided I was their best customer, so they built a brand-spankin' new store, just for me! It is beautiful, and I am thrilled about it. Okay, so maybe it is not just for me, but it should be, right? Anyway, I am hoping they will be well stocked for all of my bargain hunting.